
What do your placements mean?

English placement in:

You are eligible to take:

  • 英格兰001
  • 英格兰01啊 我需要申请 荣誉项目)
  • And any class that has an 英格兰001 eligibility

Math placement in:

You are eligible to take 大满贯 课程:

  • MATH 015 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Major (support is available for this class - MATH 115 (if needed))
  • STAT 018 Statistics for Behavioral 和 Social Sciences
  • STAT 015 Statistics for 业务 和 Economics
  • STAT 050 Elementary Statistics (support is available for this class - STAT 150 (if needed))
  • STAT 050H 荣誉 Elementary Statistics 我需要申请 荣誉项目)
  • MATH 038 基金会s of Elementary School Mathematics:  Basic Number Concepts
  • BUS 014A Mathematical Analysis for 业务 - Finite

Your major 和 academic goal will determine which math to take. 取决于你的 major 和/or academic goal you may not need to complete a high level math course.  If you major does not require a specific math, you may take of the above 大满贯 数学类.  

Undecided about your major?  We recommend you wait to take math after you decide on 你的专业/职业.

To determine which math class to take, please speak to a counselor.

You are eligible to take:

大满贯 课程

  • STAT 050 Elementary Statistics
  • STAT 050H 荣誉 Elementary Statistics 我需要申请 荣誉项目)
  • STAT 018 Statistics for Behavioral 和 Social Sciences
  • STAT 015 Statistics for 业务 和 Economics
  • MATH 015 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Major
  • MATH 038 基金会s of Elementary School Mathematics:  Basic Number Concepts
  • BUS 014A Mathematical Analysis for 业务 - Finite

和 阀杆 课程

  • MATH 003 College Algebra
  • MATH 008 Precalculus Trigonometry
  • MATH 009 Precalculus Mathematics
  • MATH 005A Single Variable Calculus I
  • MATH 005AH 荣誉 Single Variable Calculus I 我需要申请 荣誉 转移 Program)

Your major 和 academic goal will determine which math to take. 取决于你的 major 和/or academic goal you may not need to complete a high level math course.

Undecided about your major?  We recommend you wait to take math after you decide on 你的专业/职业.

To determine which math class to take, please connect with a counselor.

You are eligible to take:

大满贯 课程

  • STAT 050 Elementary Statistics
  • STAT 050H 荣誉 Elementary Statistics 我需要申请 荣誉项目)
  • STAT 018 Statistics for Behavioral 和 Social Sciences
  • STAT 015 Statistics for 业务 和 Economics
  • MATH 015 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Major
  • MATH 038 基金会s of Elementary School Mathematics:  Basic Number Concepts
  • BUS 014A Mathematical Analysis for 业务 - Finite 和 阀杆 课程
  • MATH 003 College Algebra
  • MATH 008 Precalculus Trigonometry
  • MATH 009 Precalculus Mathematics

Your major 和 academic goal will determine which math to take.  取决于你的 major 和/or academic goal you may not need to complete a high level math course.

Undecided about your major?  We recommend you wait to take math after you decide on 你的专业/职业.

To determine which math class to take, please connect with a counselor.

You are eligible to take:

大满贯 课程

  • STAT 050 Elementary Statistics 
  • STAT 050H 荣誉 Elementary Statistics 我需要申请 荣誉项目)
  • STAT 018 Statistics for Behavioral 和 Social Sciences
  • STAT 015 Statistics for 业务 和 Economics
  • MATH 015 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Major
  • MATH 038 基金会s of Elementary School Mathematics:  Basic Number Concepts
  • BUS 014A Mathematical Analysis for 业务 - Finite

和 阀杆 课程

  • MATH 003 College Algebra (support is available for this class - MATH 103 (if needed))

Your major 和 academic goal will determine which math to take.  取决于你的 major 和/or academic goal you may not need to complete a high level math course.

Undecided about your major?  We recommend you wait to take math after you decide on 你的专业/职业.

To determine which math class to take, please connect with a counselor.

Have AP or IB credit?

AP - If you received a score of 3 or higher in English 和/or Math, you may use your score to place into a higher level.

IB - If you received a score of 4 or higher, you may use your score to meet transfer 需求.

转移ring universities have different policies regarding AP scores.

To get a new placement using your AP score, submit an online prerequisite clearance form.  To determine how to use your AP or IB credit for your academic goal, please connect with a counselor.

Need Help Underst和ing Your 放置?

Connect with a counselor to underst和 all your placement results, select classes, 和 to create an educational plan. Your major 和/or academic goal along with other placements (AP/IB) will determine your required classes. 

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